A wild bitch...
Ralph was a short haired female Saint Bernard born in an
apartment in Hollywood. 165 pounds of dog mayhem. Why Ralph for a
female? Remember the carpenter on the 60s TV show Green Acres? Ralph
had personality in spades. She grabbed towels from the bathroom rack
or a sock from the clothes hamper when she felt ignored.

actually ate the whole end of our couch once when she was bored. She
once grabbed a chocolate cake Mary Lou had baked for her boss' birthday
off the kitchen table. She lived hard and died young, at 7, after
stealing submarine sandwiches at a party caused a fatal stomach
problem. She had 12 puppies (breeding
her was a whole story unto itself) and her legacy lived on with us
for over a decade through her son, Bogart
(third picture above, executing a surprise attack).

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