It was a great day...
Mary Lou and I were married in a small Catholic ceremony
at Saint Peter's by the Sea in Kahaluu, Hawaii in 1984. We wrote our own
ticket and did it our way. What a beautiful bride.

The small church on the beach in
Kahaluu where we were married is about ten minutes south of
Kailua-Kona on the Big Island. We have visited the church many
times, first when we were choosing it in 1982 before we were married
(first picture below) and numerous times since. I have included
pictures from each visit below as a scrapbook of sorts, spanning
over 30 years. In 1985, still BC - before children, we
returned and stopped by the church as the sun set (second and third
pictures below).

In 1989 we returned with Ben, who was
3 at the time. Muumuus can hide a lot - Mary Lou was 6 months
pregnant with Craig in the three pictures below.

In 1991 we returned with my parents
and both Craig and Ben to celebrate our 7th anniversary and Ben's
5th birthday. The next year the church was nearly
destroyed by Hurricane Iniki, but was rebuilt with donations.

In 1998 we again returned with my

Winter break
2008 brought Craig, Mary Lou and I back for yet another visit.

Craig's graduation from UCLA brought us to the
Big Island in September
2013 for another visit. The second picture below also shows the
sacred Hawaiian Ku'emanu Heiau alter, dedicated to surfing, next to
the church.

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