by Shelley Kraft
This is my personal story of love and healing...
…of care and feeling, and of taking a road less
traveled to the time when I had to say a final goodbye to my cat
Randy. Randy was 13 years old when he was first diagnosed with
cancer. Traditional Western medicine and drugs only took him so
far. Yet, through the use of Eastern medicine, B-12 shots, herbs,
lots of love and a great doctor I was able to both extend and
improve Randy’s last year.
The reason I am writing this story is in the hope of
benefiting other ailing pets, to give them a better quality of life
and to grant some measure of happiness to the owners of sick pets by
making others aware of Eastern medicine and the benefits it has to
offer to animals.
My cat, Randy was diagnosed with cancer on August
fourth, 2004 – I’ll never forget that date. When the vet came out
and gave me the news he gave Randy only two months to live. I was
beside myself and started crying uncontrollably. I couldn’t believe
what he said and how casual he was with the words he had spoken.
Where was the equivalent to “Bed Side Manner” to ease the shock of
his words? For three weeks I was distraught over the news. I had
lived with Randy since he was 3 months old. I didn’t know what to
do or what to believe of my beloved cat having only two months left
to live. My pain eventually gave way to careful thought. I decided
to go back to the same vet’s office, see a different veterinarian
and find a plan of action that was positive. I believed that I
could help Randy If I could just find the right way and that he
would live longer than two months.
Randy’s new day began as I inquired about
medicine/drugs that I believed were not too invasive. At this point
I knew nothing about applying Eastern healing to animals. Randy was
initially put on a drug named “Chlorambucil” also known as “Leukeran”.
This turned out to be a potent drug. A quarter of a tablet was to
be administered twice a day by me while wearing heavy-duty gloves
that the vet supplied to me. I had to put the pill in a syringe
type instrument and then “try” to get him to swallow the pill. As
this is a cancer drug, it also had to be refrigerated and kept in a
plastic bag away from other foods. Only the vet or a pharmacist was
allowed to cut the drug in quarters while wearing gloves and
goggles. After I found this out I asked myself “Am I crazy doing
this?”. Then I realized this is my Randy and I pledged to myself to
do whatever I could within my means to help him.
I continued with this plan feeling confident that he
was doing and feeling better. But to me he just didn’t seem like my
fun loving, playful Randy. He ate normally, but he wasn’t active
and he slept too much. I was consoled that I still had my Randy.
Then there was a change of events. Randy started getting worse
around Christmas 2004 I looked deep in Randy’s eyes and he seemed to
be saying “I can’t do this anymore”. I felt so sad again. I didn’t
know what to do at this point. All I knew was that I wasn’t ready
to let go of Randy. So again I collected my thoughts, called the
vet and told them how poorly Randy was doing. I asked what else
there was for me to do and the woman I spoke to suggested that I try
the acupuncturist who was on staff at the same veterinarian
facility. From that conversation I knew I had to take this chance.
I started bringing Randy in on January 5, 2005 for his first
acupuncture treatment.
This is how the visits went and how Randy felt from
them. For the first couple of months of treatment I had to bring
Randy in once a week, meet with the acupuncturist and watch as
little needles were placed in specific pressure points on Randy for
about 20 minutes. Anyone who has had a cat knows how difficult it
is to keep their cat still, let alone for 20 minutes while needles
are placed in their body. Surprisingly, Randy lay still on the
table for each 20-minute session while I pet him. After the
needles were removed he got a B-12 shot and I was given Chinese
herbs that were to be administered twice daily to Randy. After just
the first few visits Randy seemed like his old self again.
Miraculous, he was starting to play again and be less lethargic.
Once I saw this change in Randy I was overjoyed and filled with
hope. Soon I was able to taper down his visits to once every 2 – 3
weeks. This treatment regimen went on for over 8 months through
September 5, 2005. Almost at once Randy’s body just couldn’t go on
anymore. He passed away peacefully on September 27, 2005. I was
still not ready to let Randy go, but at this point I knew that it
was his time and I had done everything I could do within my means.
sincerely hope that in some
way this article will bring comfort to both you and your pet. Please
don’t hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions or
would like more information should you feel that this is a path that
you might like to take for yourself and your pet’s well being:

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